“Space Attack 3030 Dance Competition” Terms and Conditions

By participating in this Competition, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions along with any other Specific Rules which relate to this Competition.
In these terms and conditions, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ and ‘Promoter’ all mean Dogncat Games Ltd (registered company: 14678930). The Promoter’s address is 71 – 75 Shelton Street, London, England, WC2H 9JQ.


The competition winner’s real name will be given to the main character of Space Attack 3030, mobile game (Android/iOS).

Both on website Story section and mobile app’s Story section.

Start and End date/time

Start / End.
All times will be based on UK time.

Entering the competition

Anyone who loves to dance can enter. As many attempts as the user wishes. Entering the competition is free and is held on TikTok platform. 


To participate you must perform the Space Attack 3030 dance and share it on TikTok platform with a tag #spaceattack3030dance.
By the end date specified above, top 10 most liked videos with the tag #spaceattack3030dance will be selected to the final draw. Those, from this top10, who performed an identical or close enough, full dance, will have an increased chance in the draw. Those who performed a full dance that is similar, but not executed identical or close enough, will have a less chance in the final draw. Meaning, both highly skilled and beginner dancers can participate.


Skilled/Identical performance: 3 x their name in the final draw.
Beginner/comedy performance: 1 x their name in the final draw.

Other Rules

When entering a Promotion or claiming a prize you must use your real name. You may be required to provide us with proof of your identity on request. Failure to provide adequate information (or to adequately prove eligibility) may result in your disqualification and/or withholding or withdrawal of a prize.

Use of your entry

By entering a Promotion or submitting a video, image, audio file or any other materials in relation to a Promotion (including as part of the entry process or as part of a prize) or if you tag or mention us directly or indirectly in any photo, video or content in connection with the Promotion, you agree that we can re-post, re-tweet, publicise and otherwise use that photo, video or content (with or without any accompanying comments and information like your handle and profile pic). You agree that we can do that via the same platform(s) that you posted or shared the photo, video or content, as well as via other social networks and platforms that we use, and on our websites. However, we’ll never sell or charge anyone for copies of your photos, videos or other content (without your approval).

By entering a Promotion or submitting a video, image, audio file or any other materials in relation to a Promotion or prize you are granting us a worldwide, perpetual, royalty free licence in the Intellectual Property Rights (e.g. copyright) in any or all of them.
You waive your moral rights in relation to the same.
You agree not to use all or any of them in connection with a competitor of ours.
You warrant and undertake (i.e. guarantee), that:
1) you own and control all of the rights in your entry, and you have the right to grant the rights set out in these terms and conditions and any Specific Rules;

2) your entry is personal and related specifically to you (e.g. if you are required to tell a story for your entry, it must be truthful and it must be about you – unless stated otherwise in the Specific Rules);
3) you have obtained written consent from anyone featured or mentioned in your entry, and your entry (and our and any third party’s use of it) does not and will not infringe the rights of any individual or business (including any intellectual property rights, moral rights, right to privacy, confidentiality, etc.);

4) your entry does not violate any applicable law or regulation;
5) your entry does not contain anything which is indecent, untrue, defamatory, unlawful, hateful, threatening, demeaning, inappropriate, obscene, malicious or which is in contempt of court;
6) your entry will not cause any kind of harm or damage and does not (to the best of your knowledge or belief) contain any virus, malware, spyware or similar.
All rights relating to the Promotion (including the name, title and format) are owned by the Promoter.

Your entry or participation in Promotion and/or Prize is at your own risk. If the Promotion or prize requires that you undertake any physical activity please ensure, before entering the Promotion, that you are in good health, that you have informed us before or at the time of claiming the prize of any underlying medical condition, physical or other impairment or medication you are taking which may be relevant and which could adversely affect your use or enjoyment of the competition and prize, or ability to claim the prize. You must notify us immediately if you become ill or become aware of any other relevant medical or health and safety information which could affect your participation in a Promotion and/or prize. If you have a disability, please make this clear to us when you claim the prize, so we can consult with you well in advance of the prize and make such reasonable adjustments as are practical and within our reasonable control, based on all the circumstances, to ensure that you can enjoy the prize to the fullest extent.
If we consider that you or your entry are in breach of these terms and conditions, or if we have grounds to suspect any entrant or third party of cheating, deception or fraudulent or unsportsman-like conduct of any kind (including, without limitation, manipulating a Promotion, choice of prize winner(s) or any entry), without limiting the options available to us, we reserve the right in our sole discretion (and without us incurring any liability) to disqualify any entrant, entry or person we reasonably believe to be responsible for, or associated with, such activity. We also reserve the right to disqualify you from a Promotion and/or prize (without us incurring any liability) if in our reasonable opinion you or your guests or travel companions conduct yourselves in a way which is abusive or which exposes you or others to any medical, security, safety or similar risk whatsoever (including if you are intoxicated or abusive in any way). You agree that you will not do anything which is likely to bring us or any of our promotion partners into disrepute or which might adversely affect our reputation or the Promotion. If you are disqualified prizes may be withheld or withdrawn. You will not be compensated and you may be required to pay any costs incurred. Another entrant or winner may be selected at our discretion to take part in the Promotion and win the prize.
Save that nothing in these terms and conditions limits or excludes our (or any third party’s) liability arising from fraud or from death or personal injury caused by negligence or any other type of liability which may not be limited or excluded by law, to the fullest extent permissible by law, we (and the promotion partners and any providers of a prize) (a) shall have no liability in relation to any act or omission of any third party and (b) exclude all liability to you and anyone else for any indirect loss, damage or harm of any kind arising from or in connection with the Promotions and prizes and your use or enjoyment of them.